It has been a busy summer so far, lots of family activities and work projects have called for long hours. On the fourth of July we headed to my folks house near Red Feather Lakes Colorado for some needed R&R; and for my daughter and mom to finish a 4-H project, her very ambitious quilt! I took the camera and was able to catch timelapse video and some interesting pictures. The video is forthcoming, but here are some of my favorite stills. As always, images can be clicked for a larger perspective!
Their house had three outside lights and each day there were a variety of moths hanging out on the side of the house. I’ve never seen thing large of a variety in one spot before.

Didn’t rain too much, but this storm put off a great rainbow!
Tooks some photos of the quilting process. Many will go on Daphne’s presentation and in her record book.

My son, my dad, and I took a drive up to Deadman Fire Watch Tower / lookout.