There have been several great stormy days here in Colorado in early May; but my schedule has prevented me from chasing on those good days. I’ve been itching to get out; and luckily we had a good day before we left for our family vacation!
My son and I got an opportunity to head out on May 26th. We targeted Limon and decided we’d then go where the storms popped up as the forecast was difficult. The storms fired along the Colorado front range early in the day; and put down some hail, but those storms were moving due north and had already formed a line; so we punched through and continued to our target. Once in Limon, we saw some development to the south and headed that way to check them out.
The weather was strange, it was pretty chilly (about 52 degrees) and nothing was going up discreet. We stopped at the first storm and noted a wall cloud feature on a storm, so we watched it. It did have a little rotation; but just as it was looking good the inflow got cut off and the storm turned into a massive rainy mess. So we left it and headed Southeast towards the front end of the cells.

We were able to see a small, short lived funnel near Wild Horse and as we were heading south towards some great looking structure near Kit Carson the storm overtook us. There was a tornado spotted from this cell but traffic was pretty hairy and we ended up abandoning that storm and heading north. We saw some great lightning, Hunter actually saw a positive bolt from the top of a tower which is great; I’ve never seen one of those. By the time we got north of I-70, the front edge of the storms were all out by the Kansas border, and we decided to not pursue those into Kansas and instead just watch the remaining daytime lightning south of Yuma and then head home.

South of Yuma we caught up to the last lightning of the evening. We parked next to a grain bin and under these power lines; ended up getting some great day lightning photos; I was holding the camera by hand and was surprised this technique actually worked as it wasn’t dark yet!