I received an email from an old friend who nows lives in Northern Japan asking if my band Multicast would be interested in another collaboration project with the Iron Feather Journal cyberpunk zine. Rewind back to 1999, the year the late Prince sings about, where we did our first collaborative project with the Zine. We produced a 10″ 4-track EP vinyl, silk-screened cover and included the Iron Feather Journal #17 magazine. Not only was this a fun project, but it was successful selling a 1000 copies worldwide.
The magazine has a really old-school feel as the pages are laid out by hand and then photocopied. None of this modern computer layout stuff for this zine! Content varies, but is cyber-culture and music related.

The Iron Feather Journal has moved to northern Japan and is planning the next zine to premiere at the Sapporo Zine Festival in mid-July. This time we’ll do a CD, a 10-track full length Multicast project. The number of magazines will be limited with some available here in the USA from Obliq Recordings after the festival. We plan to do 4-color stenciled cover art, each one will be hand created so they will likely all be unique.
Track selection and sequencing was completed in late April 2016. Mastering is scheduled for May 10th and we’ll send to press shortly after. Then they will be shipped to Japan and incorporated with the magazine which will be created there.