There is an advantage to moving my turntables and sound upstairs, I get to listen to more music as I’m not down in the studio being anti-social. The drawback is my studio is all the way across the house and down one floor; so I just play the records that are sitting upstairs that I bring up occassionally. This makes making genrefied mixes a little difficult because I don’t have the record stacks at my fingertips and running up and down stairs makes djing a bit more difficult. So, before I moved this selection of records back downstairs, I recorded some.
So here are a couple of mixes (about 3 hours worth) that I did with a little bit of everything genre-wise. Enjoy!
davealex – 4/24/2010 Mix A (54:32)
davealex – 4/24/2010 Mix B (2:05:16)