Only been a couple of times thus far this summer; hope to make it up a few more times. I went back to the spot from July 13th as something told me I missed something; and missed something I did. I ended up finding a very light smokey that I thought was topaz at the top of the seam; but further downhill there was more to be uncovered! All crystals were very black (morion) and attached to nothing just sitting in the dirt. There were two seams; one right underground and another about a foot or 18 inches deep. The crystals and parts were pretty etched but it was a nice seam…found two small topaz as well! I dug that area up and I’m pretty confident that I got everything…learned a lot with this area about how to prospect and dig as I missed the main seams on the first day.

Finally, everything found on the second day at this location near Topaz Point Picnic Area…which by the way has a terrific view of the Pikes Peak Batholith area!
I assume the two topaz crystals you found are those to the top and the side of your multicolored microcline crystal at the bottom of your display plate? They certainly look a bit different especially that one that looks like it is in matrix of some sort.unless that is the one that actually contains the two small topaz crystals? By the way the specimen I found earlier this year on a club trip to Devils Head was confirmed to be topaz. I especially like the two microcline crystal cluster to the left of your multicolored crystal, it may be a twinned cluster of some sort.
I haven’t had time yet to do some on foot prospecting at the suspected Ed Over Jr collecting area on Devils Head yet but it involves a pretty long hike We think that the big pocket that was found in the 1880s is probably in the same area., He found huge topazes back in the 1930s.
Actually none ended up being topaz, except perhaps the one immediately above the coin. But still a fun time! I’m going to continue looking for the elusive topaz at Devilshead next year!
Where is the Ed Over Jr collecting area?