The second day we left after exploring Keystone and Sturgis South Dakota on our way to Buffalo to spend the night. Along the way was also Devil’s Tower. I’ve always wanted to visit Devil’s Tower and was expecting it to be huge. It wasn’t as big as I thought it would be (I guess the mashed potatoes were to-scale…LOL), but it was very impressive.

The next day we headed up to Crow Agency Montana to see the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. Erin really wanted to see this and I’m glad we went. The kids enjoyed the Battlefield and the stories of the volunteers there, it was finally cool to know the story when you can visualize what occurred.
Erin really wanted to go the Reenactment and it just so happened it was occurring the day we were there (she is great at planning!). I was afraid it was going to be really cheesy but I actually enjoyed it. Luckily there was a breeze (to our backs, fortunately) all day which kept my horse allergies at bay. I especially liked the narrative which was poetic and told as stories and legend! There were a ton of horses and people too; and the Crow were riding the horses bareback, many got thrown in front of us and they got up and shook it off. Yikes!

The next leg of the trip was the headliner, Yellowstone. We entered from the NE corner through Red Lodge Montana.